Co-WIN Albums

July 2024

Co-WIN教學應用獎2024 (2024年7月6日)

January 2024

「社區天氣資訊網絡」週年大會 暨 「卓越表現嘉許獎狀」及「傑出長期觀測氣象站」頒獎典禮

August 2023

海岸氣象觀測體驗營-Day 2

August 2023

海岸氣象觀測體驗營-Day 1

February 2023

「社區天氣資訊網絡」週年大會暨 「我的氣象站」攝影比賽頒獎典禮 (2023年2月18日)

July 2022


January 2022

The Annual General Meeting of Community Weather Information Network (Co-WIN)

September 2021

Co-WIN2 - HKU Geography STEM (Portable Temperature Sensor) - Part 1

July 2021

Total Sky Imager Design Competition

June 2021

Tun Yu School

April 2021

NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College

January 2021

Co-WIN 13th Anniversary (16th Jan. 2021)

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