Our Story


The Community Weather Information Network (Co-WIN) was at first established under the joint effort of the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), the Department of Applied Physics of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Hong Kong Joint school Meteorological Association in 2007. It serves as a platform for providing real-time weather information to the public via a software and an internet website developed by PolyU. In 2009, an Executive Committee (ExCo) of Co-WIN was set up to steer the development of Co-WIN.

In 2017, the Institute of Future Cities of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) joined Co-WIN and participated in the operation of the website. In 2021, the Department of Geography of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has taken over from PolyU and CUHK to provide technical support for the software and operate the website. On 23 March 2021, a new Co-WIN website (https://cowin.hku.hk/) was launched. The new website provides an easy way for members to download Co-WIN weather data, which facilitates analysis and researches.



Local or overseas schools and organizations are welcome to apply for membership. Let’s continue our story together.

Executive Committee

Executive committee manages and operates the Co-WIN. Interested members can apply for executive committee.

Member’s Obligation

A Co-WIN member institution is required to:

Member’s Benefits

A Co-WIN member institution can:

Please refer to Contact Us for more information on the application procedure.