Co-WIN News

Summer Meteorology Camp

Post date: 06 June 2023

Date: 19-20 August 2023 (Saturday to Sunday) Venue: Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village Guest speaker: ex-Director of HKO, Mr CHENG Cho-ming Language: Cantonese Cost: HK$1,400 per team (3 students and 1 teacher) Deadline: 28/6/2023 Application Details

(Second round) Geography based STEM workshops: 3D map modelling, urban heat island and climate change

Post date: 22 May 2023

Content: Latest update on climate change information Scientific knowledge of urban heat island effect Co-WIN data application for citizen science Street-level 3D model construction Location: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Laboratory, Room 1013, 10th Floor, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Enquiry: Part 1: Train the Trainers Target: Teachers of secondary schools Date: Saturday, 3rd June, 2023 Time: 9AM - 12PM Application:Google Form Part 2: Student Workshop Target: Form 3-5 secondary school Date: Saturday, 27th May, 2023 Time: 9AM - 12PM Application: Google Form

GEOG STEM "Student Workshop" Highlights

Post date: 22 May 2023

We are delighted to see so many students attending the workshop last Saturday. We had more than 45 students coming from 10 schools joining the event. The class covered topics related to global warming, local climate impacts, and urban heat island. In this workshop, we intentionally reserved more time for students to work on their 3D models. Unfortunately, there were still some students who were able to finish. Nevertheless, the event was a success. I would like to acknowledge the support from Ho Koon Nature Education Cum Astronomical Centre and the HKU Knowledge exchange fund.

GEOG STEM "Train the Trainer Workshop" Highlights

Post date: 16 May 2023

The last Saturday event (May 13) was successfully conducted. We had more than 26 teachers from 25 schools joined. At the event, we covered lectures related to IPCC AR6 updates, STEM education and urban heat islands. Fruitful discussion about how to move Hong Kong geography STEM education forward was also conducted. Many productive comments were raised by the teachers. Regarding the hands-on 3D map production, we apologise that we didn't have time to cover the entire 3D production process. Nevertheless, we aware that some teachers have successfully created their school map at home after the workshop. How wonderful! Thank you for participating the event. We would like to acknowledge the supports from Ho Koon Nature Education Cum Astronomical Centre and HKU knowledge exchange fund.

Geography based STEM workshops: 3D map modelling, urban heat island and climate change

Post date: 10 May 2023

For 3D modelling section, these software should be installed before the workshops: Microsoft Windows 10 or above Google Chrome: 3D Viewer: Microsoft store or 3D Builder: Microsoft store or Blender: (Blender addon: RenderDoc:

Geography based STEM workshops: 3D map modelling, urban heat island and climate change

Post date: 14 April 2023

Content: Latest update on climate change information Scientific knowledge of urban heat island effect Co-WIN data application for citizen science Street-level 3D model construction Location: Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen), 101 Route Twisk, Tsuen Wan, New Territories Enquiry: Part 1: Train the Trainers Target: Teachers of secondary schools Date: Saturday, 13th May, 2023 (Changed from 5th May because of DSE geography examination) Time: 9AM - 12PM Application:Google Form Part 2: Student Workshop Target: Form 3-5 secondary school Date: Saturday, 20th May, 2023 Time: 9AM - 12PM Application: Google Form

Annual General Meeting of Community Weather Information Network (Co-WIN) cum Award Presentation Ceremony of “My MetStation” Photo Competition – 14:00 on 18 February 2023 (Saturday)

Post date: 09 February 2023

In order to allow more members to participate in the AGM despite venue space limitation, Co-WIN AGM this year will be held online (via Zoom). An email with Zoom log-in details has been sent out to all Co-WIN members. If members do not receive it, please contact us at Program of AGM: 14:00 – 14:15: Welcome speech and report on Co-WIN activities in 2021-22 by Mr. Philip Yim, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Co-WIN 14:15 – 14:45: Awards of certificates to winners of Co-WIN “My MetStation” Photo Competition 14:45 – 15:05: Sharing session on “Co-WIN vs HKO – Comparison of Data collected by Automated Weather Stations in Significant Weather Events”, conducted by Ms Olivia Lee, Senior Scientific Officer, HKO 15:05 – 15:10: Group Photo (screen capture) 15:10 – 16:00: AGM Do join us!

Co-WIN “My MetStation” Photo Competition --- Public Polling

Post date: 31 January 2023

“My MetStation” Photo Competition is co-organized by Community Weather Information Network (Co-WIN), Hong Kong Observatory and Department of Geography of the University of Hong Kong. Through this competition, we hope that students who have joined Co-WIN will learn more about the Co-WIN stations installed at their school. This will help them in their analysis of Co-WIN weather data in the future. We have collected entries from all participating teams, they include photos and a short introduction about their Co-WIN station. Grading of the entries by the adjudicating panel will follow. The adjudicating panel comprises representatives from Co-WIN Executive Committee, Hong Kong Observatory, Department of Geography of University of Hong Kong, CWOS Administrator and Hong Kong Geographical Association. The adjudicating panel will grade the entries based on the content of the photo (whether it can cover the surrounding environment of the Co-WIN meteorological station), the photography skills (light and composition) and the content of the short introduction about the meteorological station. The marks given by the adjudicating panel will constitute 90% of the total score. The remaining 10% will come from public polling. You can click into this to view the photos of the competition. After that you can vote for your favorite teams by clicking the Polling Form! Polling Form*: Polling Deadline: 10 February 2023 (Friday) 12:00 noon *The personal data (email address) provided in the Polling Form by the public polling participant will be used only for the purpose of Co-WIN “My MetStation” Photo Competition Public Polling activity, and will be destroyed at appropriate time after the event.

"My MetStation" Photo Competition

Post date: 31 October 2022

"My MetStation" Photo Competition is now open for application. You are welcome to join! Online application form: Application Deadline: 1 December 2022 (Thursday) 12:00 noon

Hong Kong Observatory Virtual Tour

Post date: 14 June 2022

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